For Research Mode programme, please download the application form here. Applicants are required to submit a brief research proposal (10 pages). Completed application forms should be printed out and attached with the proposal and certified qualification certificates. Application should be submitted to the office of Centre for Graduate Studies.

For Coursework Mode programme, please download the application form here and send the completed form along with relevant documents to the office of CGS.

You can send a complete application form with certified copies of certificates and other documents through email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Centre for Graduate Studies
Kompleks Pengajian Siswazah
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia
Kem Sungai Besi, 57000 Kuala Lumpur

Tel. : (+603) 9051 3400 ext. 3003/3516/3517/7622614)
Fax : (+603) 9051 3436



APEL is a systematic process that involves the identification, documentation and assessment of prior experiential learning (i.e., knowledge, skills and attitudes) to determine the extent to which an individual has achieved the desired learning outcomes for access to a programme of study and/or award of credits.





To get more information on how to apply to APEL.A, please visit UPNM APEL website or connect with us using following details:



Pusat Penilaian APEL 

Tingkat 1,  Bangunan Canselori, UPNM, Kem Perdana Sg Besi, 57000 Kuala Lumpur

email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel : 03-9051 3400 Ext: 2309

Kolokium Siswazah Bil. 2/2018 telah diadakan pada Oktober 2018. Kolokium kali ini dianjurkan bersama Fakulti dan PPS. 

Mesyuarat Penilaian Program Pascasiswazah Fakulti Pengajian dan Pengurusan Pertahanan (FPPP) telah diadakan pada 18 September 2018. Sesi penilaian ini dibuat sebagai persediaan bagi menghadapi audit pematuhan oleh pihak MQA pada akhir tahun ini. Dua (2) orang Panel Penasihat Industri (IAP) telah dijemput iaitu Prof Dato Dr Nasir bin Hj Saludin dari KUPTM dan Prof Madya Dr Kuik Cheng Chwee dari UKM. Pelbagai pandangan dan cadangan untuk penambahbaikan program pascasiswazah UPNM telah dikemukan oleh kedua-dua panel tersebut. 


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